Sunday, January 31, 2010

Enneagram results 9

Today I took the Enneagram test and the test told me that I am a type nine.

Main Type
Overall Self
Take Free Enneagram Personality Test

Nines are said to be very trusting and accepting of people, entirely too much at times. They often go along with other peoples ideas and what they want so as to avoid conflict and keep the peace. They try to follow the path of least resistance as some would say.they tend to ignore all of the unpleasant and disturbing things in life. Most nines are also very stubborn, but at the best of times they are able to heal conflict, solve problems and bring people together. When nines get stressed they tend to bottle all of their emotions up so that they dont have deal with them but then eventually they get the better of them and it all comes out at once. Nines are also not thought to have a strong sense of self because of the fact that they worry about others so much.

All in all from what I have read all of these things seem to describe me very accurately. There are a few things that I don't have problems with in the things I described but for the most part it was very accurate. I tend to do things that my friends want to do and I do not, I always bottle up my feelings, I hate watching news because I hate to see all the saddening things that are happening around the world. I will agree this is me but I wont like it. I have taken a couple personality tests before so I kind of knew what to expect of this. I think this was a great assignment and I wouldn't mind doing something similar in the future. Alright I think this is enough for now later then.

writ 101 blog

Hi, my name is Alex. I was born in Heidelberg Germany on a military base september first 1987. I lived with my mother till I was twelve years old then I was put into foster care. I was moved once out of a foster home then I was put in another when I was about to turn 14. I finished highschool spring 2007 there. I was later was adopted by that family. I am a first semester freshman, as of now I really have no idea what I am in school for. I used to have an idea but after three years of not going to school I have decided that I dont want to do as I initially wanted to do. So I guess I will make a decision as I go.
I love to read, drink coffee, play video games, and be extremely loud. I am really looking forward to the class. This blog thing looks like it might be a good thing.